Function Code | Function Description | Object Code | Object Description | Amount |
1000 | Instruction | 110 | Regular Certified Salaries | $987,011.54 |
1000 | Instruction | 115 | Salary in Lieu of Other Fringe Benefits for Certified Staff | $18,905.38 |
1000 | Instruction | 120 | Regular Noncertified Salaries | $43,500.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 125 | Salary in Lieu of Other Fringe Benefits for Noncertified Staff | $3,874.76 |
1000 | Instruction | 131 | Cert Sub Sal-CP | $3,980.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 141 | Non-Cert Sub Sal-CP | $8,955.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 149 | Other Non-Certified Temporary Compensation | $3,060.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 170 | Stipends - Certified | $24,022.71 |
1000 | Instruction | 192 | Extra Duty/Addenda—Certified | $63,636.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 212 | Dental Insurance - Certified Personnel | $9,326.02 |
1000 | Instruction | 213 | Health and Accident Insurance - Certified Personnel | $110,789.80 |
1000 | Instruction | 214 | Life Insurance - Certified Personnel | $2,569.50 |
1000 | Instruction | 218 | Vision Insurance - Certified Personnel | $1,224.56 |
1000 | Instruction | 222 | Dental Insurance - Noncertified Personnel | $1,477.46 |
1000 | Instruction | 223 | Health and Accident Insurance - Noncertified Personnel | $14,319.40 |
1000 | Instruction | 228 | Vision Insurance - Noncertified Personnel | $103.44 |
1000 | Instruction | 231 | FICA - Employer's Contribution - Certified Personnel | $80,746.94 |
1000 | Instruction | 241 | FICA - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel | $3,562.99 |
1000 | Instruction | 252 | Retirement - Federal/Grant Matching - Certified Personnel | $9,033.23 |
1000 | Instruction | 253 | Retirement - Employer's Contribution - Certified Personnel | $102,909.37 |
1000 | Instruction | 263 | Retirement - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel | $3,073.55 |
1000 | Instruction | 273 | Workers' Compensation - Certified Personnel | $5,663.79 |
1000 | Instruction | 283 | Workers' Compensation - Noncertified Personnel | $152.61 |
1000 | Instruction | 346 | TECH REL TECH SER | $7,251.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 439 | Oth Equip & Veh Svcs | $55.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 449 | Oth Rentals/Lease Sv | $963.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 561 | Tuition to Other LEAs Within the State | $3,712.50 |
1000 | Instruction | 580 | Staff Travel | $4,354.16 |
1000 | Instruction | 611 | Copy supplies | $1,701.59 |
1000 | Instruction | 618 | Cleaning, Maintenance and Groundskeeping Supplies | $30.18 |
1000 | Instruction | 619 | General Supplies | $1,416.30 |
1000 | Instruction | 641 | Books / EBOOKS | $210.25 |
1000 | Instruction | 643 | State-Adopted Textbooks/Workbooks. | $13,490.35 |
1000 | Instruction | 653 | Supplies-Technology Related | $28,422.21 |
1000 | Instruction | 657 | Uniforms | $2,301.50 |
1000 | Instruction | 681 | Cocurricular | $1,993.13 |
1000 | Instruction | 682 | Awards, Gifts, Decorations, Regalia, and Refreshments | $10,075.94 |
1000 | Instruction | 810 | Dues and Fees | $20,322.56 |
1000 | Instruction | 881 | Donations | $22.48 |
| | | Total: | $1,598,220.20 |