Function Code | Function Description | Object Code | Object Description | Amount |
1000 | Instruction | 110 | Regular Certified Salaries | $2,398,983.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 115 | Salary in Lieu of Other Fringe Benefits for Certified Staff | $9,968.53 |
1000 | Instruction | 120 | Regular Noncertified Salaries | $579,481.22 |
1000 | Instruction | 125 | Salary in Lieu of Other Fringe Benefits for Noncertified Staff | $33,954.51 |
1000 | Instruction | 133 | Salary No Retirement | $56,790.50 |
1000 | Instruction | 141 | Non-Cert Sub Sal-CP | $28,520.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 143 | SALARY-NO RETIREMENT | $7,029.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 149 | Other Non-Certified Temporary Compensation | $570.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 171 | Bonus for Certified Staff (CONFER WITH TRS) | $28,800.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 174 | Ok student teacher stipend | $1,625.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 180 | Stipends - Noncertified | $12,680.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 181 | Bonus for Noncertified Staff (CONFER WITH TRS) | $15,600.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 192 | Extra Duty/Addenda—Certified | $273,441.12 |
1000 | Instruction | 193 | Extra Duty/Addenda—Non-certified | $52,379.28 |
1000 | Instruction | 213 | Health and Accident Insurance - Certified Personnel | $307,106.33 |
1000 | Instruction | 223 | Health and Accident Insurance - Noncertified Personnel | $69,289.70 |
1000 | Instruction | 231 | FICA - Employer's Contribution - Certified Personnel | $156,783.04 |
1000 | Instruction | 232 | Medicare - Employer's Contribution - Certified Personnel | $36,667.04 |
1000 | Instruction | 241 | FICA - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel | $42,781.15 |
1000 | Instruction | 242 | Medicare - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel | $10,005.29 |
1000 | Instruction | 252 | Retirement - Federal/Grant Matching - Certified Personnel | $25,522.77 |
1000 | Instruction | 253 | Retirement - Employer's Contribution - Certified Personnel | $252,227.79 |
1000 | Instruction | 261 | Retirement - District-Paid - Noncertified Personnel | $2,314.47 |
1000 | Instruction | 262 | Retirement - Federal/Grant Matching - Noncertified Personnel | $2,777.32 |
1000 | Instruction | 263 | Retirement - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel | $39,483.26 |
1000 | Instruction | 343 | Game Offcls Svcs | $22,720.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 346 | TECH REL TECH SER | $7,341.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 619 | General Supplies | $121,232.12 |
1000 | Instruction | 641 | Books / EBOOKS | $97,967.49 |
1000 | Instruction | 645 | Workbooks | $1,800.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 647 | Newspapers | $1,137.28 |
1000 | Instruction | 653 | Supplies-Technology Related | $95,316.41 |
1000 | Instruction | 656 | Machinery/Machines | $299.97 |
1000 | Instruction | 657 | Uniforms | $112,350.13 |
1000 | Instruction | 681 | Cocurricular | $41,872.28 |
1000 | Instruction | 682 | Awards, Gifts, Decorations, Regalia, and Refreshments | $3,852.66 |
1000 | Instruction | 810 | Dues and Fees | $57,772.82 |
1000 | Instruction | 860 | Staff Registration and Tuition | $398.00 |
1000 | Instruction | 930 | Reimbursement | $437.00 |
| | | Total: | $5,009,277.48 |