Year: Help
  • OCAS Report
  • Report for Year: 2023 - 2024
  • Report for District: Kansas
  • Function Code: 2600
  • Report Generated: 2/13/2025 12:56:00 AM
Function CodeFunction DescriptionObject CodeObject DescriptionAmount
2620Operation of Buildings Services120Regular Noncertified Salaries$175,092.42
2620Operation of Buildings Services125Salary in Lieu of Other Fringe Benefits for Noncertified Staff$948.45
2620Operation of Buildings Services141Non-Cert Sub Sal-CP$1,034.94
2620Operation of Buildings Services142Subs Sal Non-CP$4,609.48
2620Operation of Buildings Services143SALARY-NO RETIREMENT$58.25
2620Operation of Buildings Services149Other Non-Certified Temporary Compensation$73.16
2620Operation of Buildings Services180Stipends - Noncertified$225.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services223Health and Accident Insurance - Noncertified Personnel$44,994.62
2620Operation of Buildings Services241FICA - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel$11,537.08
2620Operation of Buildings Services242Medicare - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel$2,698.01
2620Operation of Buildings Services262Retirement - Federal/Grant Matching - Noncertified Personnel$18.90
2620Operation of Buildings Services263Retirement - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel$14,774.38
2620Operation of Buildings Services283Workers' Compensation - Noncertified Personnel$5,022.61
2620Operation of Buildings Services337OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES$1,500.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services410Utility Services$21,538.97
2620Operation of Buildings Services420Cleaning and Laundry Services$3,390.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services434Electrical Services$300.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services437Plumbing Services$944.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services438Other Building & Groundskeeping Services$348,575.31
2620Operation of Buildings Services439Oth Equip & Veh Svcs$14,199.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services450Construction Services - Outside Contractors$229,900.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services490Other Purchased Property Services$64,494.78
2620Operation of Buildings Services523Property Insurance$154,756.27
2620Operation of Buildings Services530Communication Services$35,563.68
2620Operation of Buildings Services616Health, First-Aid & Hygiene Supplies$454.20
2620Operation of Buildings Services618Cleaning, Maintenance and Groundskeeping Supplies$59,164.12
2620Operation of Buildings Services621Bottled Gas/Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)$49,192.56
2620Operation of Buildings Services624Electricity$44,855.40
2620Operation of Buildings Services656Machinery/Machines$31,850.00
2620Operation of Buildings Services720Buildings$126,056.88
2620Operation of Buildings Services731Appliances / Furniture / Fixtures$37,070.60
2620Operation of Buildings Services739Security Equipment$22,478.79
2620Operation of Buildings Services810Dues and Fees$3,410.00
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services120Regular Noncertified Salaries$1,761.23
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services142Subs Sal Non-CP$4,525.00
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services143SALARY-NO RETIREMENT$919.59
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services149Other Non-Certified Temporary Compensation$1,910.00
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services241FICA - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel$568.36
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services242Medicare - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel$132.93
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services263Retirement - Employer's Contribution - Noncertified Personnel$778.66
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services283Workers' Compensation - Noncertified Personnel$253.16
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services420Cleaning and Laundry Services$14,400.00
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services438Other Building & Groundskeeping Services$7,201.00
2630Care and Upkeep of Grounds Services710Land and Improvements$1,477.50
2640Care and Upkeep of Equipment Services432Technology Services$2,011.73
2640Care and Upkeep of Equipment Services433Cooling Services$9,450.00
2640Care and Upkeep of Equipment Services439Oth Equip & Veh Svcs$715.00
2640Care and Upkeep of Equipment Services530Communication Services$396.00
2640Care and Upkeep of Equipment Services736Machinery$159.20
2650Vehicle Operation and Maintenance Services442Equip & Vehicle Svcs$599.68
2650Vehicle Operation and Maintenance Services529Other Insurance Services$2,000.00
2650Vehicle Operation and Maintenance Services612Automotive and Bus Supplies$121.55
2650Vehicle Operation and Maintenance Services625Gasoline$19,087.82
2650Vehicle Operation and Maintenance Services760Vehicles$77,502.98